To give knowledge and skills in Geographic Information Systems (G.I.S) for community planning for projects such Water and Sanitation, infrastructure, Education, Health
Course Objectives
At the end of this training you will be able to:
- Understand the concept of GIS use in community development
- Identify and apply GIS in engaging communities for development.
- Improve in sourcing resources for community development using GIS
Course Duration
2 weeks
Students interested in learning the role of GIS in community planning for projects such Water and Sanitation, infrastructure, Education, Health etc. Also important for Project managers for CBOs, FBOs, Project Officers, grants officers, officers with supervisory roles in community development.
Topics are:
Definitions GIS and GIS terms; Objectives of GIS; Components of GIS; Applications of GIS. The nature of GIS Data – Raster and Vector data; Data Management; Creating Shapefiles – Polygon, Polyline and Point; Georeferencing; Digitizing; Querying of GIS attribute table; Viewing maps; zooming and panning; fixed and zoomable map scale; Static maps vs. Dynamic/online maps; GIS analysis – Buffer and Clipping; Spatial Data Infrastructure (SDI); Introduction to Spatial Reference Systems.
Detailed Course Description
For detailed course description and content write to
To register, please download the application form below and submit to
Training topics can be requested by writing to
Cost: USD 750 for individuals; 650 for groups above 10 participants.
Training fee includes conference package (training venue, tea/coffee, lunch, snacks, wifi etc)